May 11, 2011

Good to have a person like Gayathri as a student


Let me introduce Gayathri. She is doing MCA in our college. Last month she completed fourth semester. Now she is entering into fifth semester.  

Last week (3.5.11) around 11.00 AM Gayathi came to my table. At that time we had the following conversation...

Gayathri: Good Morning Sir.
Kannan  : Good Morning Gayathri.
Gayathri: Do you have any technical question for me? 
Kannan  : Hmm...In which subject?
Gayathri: Anything.
Kannan  : What's your specialization?
Gayathri: Programming. 
Kannan  : Okay. Now you are learning Java. Am I right?
Gayathri: Yes, Sir. 

(In our college, we are offering Add-On Courses. Students are offered to choose one the following courses based on their area of interest. The courses are...
  • Programming
  • Networking
  • Database
  • Testing
Gayathri has chosen programing as her specialization)

Gayathri: Sir, you ask me anything from C++ and Java.
Kannan  : Question No.1: Why there is no pointer in Java? Question No.2: In C++, we have pointer concept. Pointer offer many advantages. How Java manage those advantages without pointer?                                   
Gayathri: I will meet you evening with an answer. 

(Gayathri did not meet me that day. Even she did not meet me on next two days. Finally she met me on Friday (6.5.11))

Gayathri: Good Morning Sir
Kannan  : Good Morning Gayathri.
Gayathri: Last two days you were not available. 

(Due to exam invigilation I could not meet her)

Gayathri: Sir, now I would like to share my answer.
Kannan  : Tell me Gayathri.
Gayathri: Java left Pointer due to security reason. Meantime Java have 'Reference' concept which is an alternative for Pointer.
Kannan  : Okay. Then...
Gayathri: Sir, Are you satisfied with my answer?
Kannan  : Yes. I am quite satisfied with your answer. Your answer is good.

(I also suggested Gayathri to list out the advantages of Pointer in C++. Then raise questions about those advantages against Java. By doing this you will understand Java properly)

Gayathri's Mind:

Gayathri is having an inquiring mind. The inquiring mind always want to know.

One of the experts have said that...

"All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind."

At the end of day I remembered two of my favorite quotes.

"I cannot teach anything to anybody, I can only make them to think."  - Socrates

"I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn." - Albert Einstein